Why The Village of Haverstraw Should Become A City
The Village of Haverstraw’s Future Is Dependent On Affordable Housing, More Robust Policing, Attention To Mental Health, Economic Stimulus. Is The Best Path Forward Autonomy?
Continue ReadingWhat Rockland County thinkers are thinking about these days
The Village of Haverstraw’s Future Is Dependent On Affordable Housing, More Robust Policing, Attention To Mental Health, Economic Stimulus. Is The Best Path Forward Autonomy?
Continue ReadingSeveral Regional Malls Have Reinvented Themselves With Housing, Amenities, And Public-Private Partnerships ANALYSIS Retail is dead. Long live retail! Okay, maybe not dead but definitely in a state of transition, particularly the “mall,” once the iconic American symbol of consumerism. Pundits over the past decade have been tracking the demise of retail malls, some of […]
Continue ReadingOur Economy Is Strengthened By Supporting Rockland’s Many Local Arts Organizations By Craig Smith Following the pandemic, arts organizations and small businesses were struggling to recover (people were staying home and streets had numerous empty storefronts). Small businesses and arts organizations began a collaboration that continues today as the effects of the 2020 pandemic linger. […]
Continue ReadingRockland County Targets Sain Building Property For New Workforce Housing
Continue ReadingEvery single essay embodies what it means to live productively and consciously in a community.
Continue ReadingRCBJ put out a call for 250-word mini essays to help celebrate our seventh year of publication and you responded!
Continue ReadingThe Scaffold Law holds that building owners and/or general contractors bear responsibility for an injured worker even if the worker was at fault.
Continue ReadingFinding ways to support the community where your business is located is important—and with a little planning it can impact the way you do business in a big way.
Continue ReadingBy Ann Mendelsohn Byne It has been months since #MeToo was unveiled across social media outlets and became a bona fide, recognized movement. Yet, the phenomenon continues to gain traction with every news segment and most recently, award shows and film festivals that leverage the spotlight to call out sexual assault and injustices that have […]
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