SEQRA Declarations
Positive Declaration, Availability of Draft Scope and Public Scoping Session
August 14, 2024 – The Village of Airmont Planning Board, as lead agency, has determined that the proposed Blue Rill Estates may have a significant adverse impact on the environment and a Draft Environmental Impact Statement must be prepared. The Draft Scope is available at the following address 251 Cherry Lane Tallman, NY 10982, from the contact below and online at: A public scoping session on the Draft Scope will be held on August 22, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. at the 251 Cherry Lane Tallman, NY 10982.
The action involves a proposal by the applicant for the construction of a senior housing development consisting of 106 semi-attached two-story homes. The site will have access via two entrances onto Saddle River Road and will be served by municipal water and sanitary sewer. Currently, the Blue Rill Day Camp occupies the site, with a total lot area of approximately 17.99 acres. The project is located at 444 Saddle River Road in the Village of Airmont, Town of Ramapo, New York.
Negative Declaration
July 31, 2024- The Town of Haverstraw Planning Board, as lead agency, has determined that the proposed Garnerville Mini Storage will not have a significant adverse environmental impact. The action involves the proposed amendments to the zoning code to regulate self-storage facilities within the C – Commercial District and place the subject property in the C – Commercial District, and obtaining site development plan approval to construct a three-story self-storage facility at the subject property. The project is located at 3 West Ramapo Road in the Town of Haverstraw, New York.
Positive Declaration, Availability of Draft Scope and Public Scoping Session
July 31, 2024 -The Town of Haverstraw Planning Board, as lead agency, has determined that the proposed Letchworth Road Residential Development may have a significant adverse impact on the environment and a Draft Environmental Impact Statement must be prepared. The Draft Scope is available at the following address One Rosman Road Garnerville, NY 10923, from the contact below and online at:…. A public scoping session on the Draft Scope will be held on August 14, 2024 at 7:30 p.m. at the One Rosman Road, Garnerville, NY 10923.
The action involves an approximately 23 acre portion of the former Letchworth Property (Tax Lots 19.16-1-14) for (i) the Town Board to consider rezoning the applicable portion of the Letchworth Property from the R-120 zoning district to the LA-17 zoning district; and (ii) the Planning Board to consider subdivision approval (from the remainder of the former Letchworth Property) and site plan approval to construct approximately 300 residential units in seven buildings and related amenities, including parking, internal roads and recreational facilities. The project is located on Letchworth Village Road in the Town of Haverstraw, New York.
Positive Declaration
June 5, 2024 – The Town of Orangetown Planning Board, as lead agency, has determined that the proposed 125-155 South Greenbush Road may have a significant adverse impact on the environment and a Draft Environmental Impact Statement must be prepared. The action involves a proposal by the applicant, Alexander Properties, for two separate projects: an expansion of an existing warehouse at 125 South Greenbush Road, as well as a new warehouse at 155 South Greensburg Road.
At 125 South Greenbush Road, Alexander Properties proposes renovating and expanding an existing 318,652 square foot warehouse to 411,400 square foot (3,600 square foot less than the previous site plan) with 188 on-site parking spaces (previously 468), 42 truck parking spaces, and 32 loading bays. The Project Site is comprised of tax lot 74.07-1-15.1, a 24.53-acre property located at 125 South Greenbush Road in the LI Zoning District. The Project Site is presently improved with both warehouse and office space, of which the office space would be demolished to accommodate the expansion of the warehouse facility. The Proposed Project requires site plan approval from the Town of Orangetown Planning Board.
At 155 South Greenbush Road, Alexander Properties proposes to construct a 117,120 square foot warehouse (10,880 square foot less than the previous site plan) with 92 on-site parking spaces (previously 152), 7 truck parking spaces, and 18 loading bays. The Project Site is comprised of tax lot 74.07-1-15.2, an 11.9-acre property located at 155 South Greenbush Road in the LI Zoning District. The Project Site is presently improved with a small parking lot used by 125 South Greenbush Road that would be reconfigured. The Proposed Project requires site plan approval from the Town of Orangetown Planning Board.
The project is located 125-155 South Greenbush Road in the Town of Orangetown, New York.
Positive Declaration, Availability of Draft Scope and public Scoping Session
June 5, 2024 – The Village of New Hempstead Board of Trustees, as lead agency, has determined that the proposed 103 Brick Church may have a significant adverse impact on the environment and a Draft Environmental Impact Statement must be prepared. The Draft Scope is available from the contact below and online at: A public scoping session on the Draft Scope will be held on June 25, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at the Village of New Hempstead, 108 Old Schoolhouse Road, New City, NY 10956.
The action involves the a Zoning Code Amendment to create a new 1R-10 Residential Zone which would permit Single Family Residences to be built on lots that are a minimum of 10,000 square foot. The proposed Brick Church Road Community would include up to 325 single family, 4 and 5 bedroom homes. The proposed project site is approximately 149.7 acres, identified as tax lot 50.05-1-11.1. The site is currently being used as the NY Golf Club. The proposed residences would replace the golf club operation. The project site is connected to existing municipal water and sewer service. Site development plan will require Subdivision approval from the Village of New Hempstead. The project is located 103 Brick Church Road in the Village of New Hempstead, New York.
Negative Declaration
May 29, 2024 – The Town of Orangetown Planning Board, as lead agency, has determined that the proposed WPT Acquisitions, LLC Proposed Warehouse will not have a significant adverse environmental impact. The action involves a proposal by WPT Acquisitions (Applicant) to construct a 175,760 square foot warehouse with 150 on-site parking spaces, 30 trailer storage spaces, 30 land banked parking spaces, and 34 loading bays (Proposed Project) on a 13.805 acre property in the CC, LI, LO, and Route 303 Overlay Zoning Districts (Project Site). The Project Site comprises three tax lots: 74.07-1-36 (12.07-acres), 74.07-1-33 (0.39 acres), and 74.07-1-2 (1.34 acres) which would be merged as part of the Proposed Project. The Project Site is presently improved with a vacant approximately 106,000 square foot church which would be demolished to accommodate the Proposed Project. The Applicant proposes to widen Mountain View Avenue from the Project Site entrance to its intersection with NYS Route 303. The Applicant would install a dedicated left turn lane from Mountain View Avenue to NYS Route 303. The Applicant would be responsible for any necessary upgrades to the existing traffic signal at NYS Route 303 and Mountain View Avenue. The proposed roadway and intersection improvements require Highway Work Permits from the New York State Department of Transportation and Town of Orangetown Highway Department. The Proposed Project requires site plan and re-subdivision approval from the Town of Orangetown Planning Board. The project is located at 518 NYS Route 303 and 13 & 21 Mountain View Avenue in the Town of Orangetown, New York.
Negative Declaration
May 1, 2024 – The New York State Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation (NYS OPRHP), as lead agency, has determined that the proposed Aerial Application of Btk to Control Spongy Moth Infestation at Bear Mountain State Park will not have a significant adverse environmental impact. The action involves the Since 2015 Palisades Instate Park Commission (PIPC) and NYS OPRHP biologists have observed severe spongy moth (Lymantria dispar) infestations within Bear Mountain State Park, which have lead to repeated tree defoliation events and even wide spread tree mortality in areas surrounding key infrastructure as well as in forested uplands of the park. In 2024 using the NYSDEC “Field Protocol for Sampling Spongy Moth Egg Masses”, NYSOPRHP natural resource staff quantified that within their survey areas spongy moth egg masses totaled >1000 per acre (a management threshold likely to produce widespread tree mortality). In an effort to prevent further forest degradation, potential infrastructure loss, and potential unsafe recreational opportunities NYSOPRHP and the PIPC are proposing to conduct two aerial applications of Foray 48B or like product, (Bacillus thuringiensis Subsp.Kurstaki(Btk) an organic bioinsecticide specific to lepidoptera) via helicopter approximately a week apart with the first application scheduled for when oaks are observed at 40-60% leaf out and while spongy moth larvae are actively feeding. Previous applications of Btk have been performed within areas adjacent to Hessian Lake as recently as 2018. The helicopter would be staged in an open field area within an area of Iona Island that was previously utilized for this purpose. Approximate total area of application would be up to 1,395 acres of Parkland in 2024.. The project is located in multiple Upland Areas within Bear Mountain State Park at 3006 Seven Lakes Drive in Tomkins Cove, Town of Stony Point, New York.
Notice of Availability of Draft Scope
April 24, 2024 – The Town of Clarkstown Planning Board, as lead agency, has made the Draft Scope for the proposed Cedar Corners available. The Draft Scope is available at the Town of Clarkstown Planning Department, 10 Maple Avenue New City, NY 10956, and online at:
The action involves the proposed merger of 15 tax lots and re-subdivision into 3 new tax lots. The proposed development on Lot #1 will be considered for site plan approval, while the development on lots #2 & #3 are conceptual in nature and illustrative only. Lots #2 & #3 are being included to ensure a comprehensive and unsegmented environmental review. Lot #1: The proposed construction of two buildings consisting of 383,652 square foot of warehouse/office space with 404 parking spaces. Lot #2: The conceptual plan consists an 1,800 square foot fast food restaurant with 36 parking spaces. Lot #3: The conceptual plan consists of a two story 147,600 square foot warehouse/office building with 209 parking spaces. The property is located on 38.3 acres of CO, COS and LS zoned land on the west side of NYS Route 303, bordered by the CSX railroad to the west and an existing shopping center and existing dwellings off Meola Road in Congers. The project is located in the area of Old Orchard Road and Meola Road in Congers, Town of Clarkstown, New York.
Notice of Availability of Final Scope
April 10, 2024 – The Town of Ramapo Town Board, as lead agency, has made the Final Scope for the proposed Harriman Meadows available. The Final Scope is available at: 237 Route 59 Suffern, New York. 10901 and online at: The action involves a proposal by the applicant, PF RE Holdings LLC, for the construction of a residential project consisting of 479 dwellings on 196.4 acres, with primary access from US Route 202 and NYS Route 306. This project is 196.4 acres in total. The proposal includes an amendment of the Town Comprehensive Plan and a map change of 61.3 acres from R-40 to MR-8, to meet the continuing need for diversity in available housing in the Town. The project is located on US Route 202 (Haverstraw Road) and NYS Route 306 in Pomona, Town of Ramapo, New York.
Negative Declaration
March 27, 2024 – The Thiells Roseville Fire District, as lead agency, has determined that the proposed Public Bond for Property Purchase and Construction of a New Fire Station will not have a significant adverse environmental impact. The action involves a public bond referendum to fund the construction of a new fire station on land located north of the existing fire station, which Thiells Roseville Fire District intends to purchase (Proposed Action). The Proposed Action Site is comprised of five (5) adjoining tax lot, comprising 4.67 acres. Three (3) of the lots are occupied by existing residential homes and two (2) are vacant lots. The Proposed Action includes the purchase of the above referenced properties and the demolition of all existing structures on the site. In addition to the construction of a new fire station, the Proposed Action will include construction of site improvements for drainage, water, wastewater, communications, electric and gas utilities, in addition to parking and site circulation. An emergency generator will be installed for emergency use only, to allow for continued uninterrupted operations in the event of power outages.
The new fire station building will be two stories and 28 foot in height, approximately 22,225 square foot in gross floor area (GFA) and will provide sufficient space for the mix of uses needed in a modern fire station, including: three (3) single apparatus bays, two (2) double drive through apparatus bays; multipurpose meeting room; administrative suite; kitchen and bathroom facilities; and fitness/training facilities. The existing fire station located at 99 West Ramapo Road, approximately 1,000 foot south of the Proposed Action Site, would remain active during construction of the Proposed Action in order to allow Thiells Roseville Fire District to continue providing emergency services throughout the duration of the construction period. After the Proposed Action is implemented, the district will sell the existing fire station and use the new facility for the entirety of their operations. The project is located at 63 West Ramapo Road; 63A West Ramapo Road; 65 West Ramapo Road; 69 West Ramapo Road; 1 Angelus Drive in Garnerville, Town of Haverstraw, New York.
Notice of Acceptance of Final EIS
March 13, 2024 -The Village of Haverstraw Village Board, as lead agency, has accepted a Final Environmental Impact Statement on the proposed The Haverstraw Chair Factory Site. The Final EIS is available at the following address: 40 New Main Street Haverstraw, NY 10927 and online at:
The action involves the adoption of zoning amendments to establish the a new form based code overlay district for the Chair Factory Redevelopment Site. The zoning will facilitate the development of 450 residential units (at 441,500 square feet), 15,000 square feet of community serving facilities and commercial/retail, an 82,800 square foot hotel, as well as 563 parking spaces in a mix of structured space (192,700 square foot) and surface parking spaces. Additionally, the project proposes to include shoreline stabilization, 4.2 acres of public open space, and the development of a waterfront multi-use trail.. The project is located Liberty Street, Broad Street, Allison Avenue Village of Haverstraw, New York.
Negative Declaration
February 14, 2024 – Rockland County – The New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation, as lead agency, has determined that the proposed Rockland Lake State Park – Phragmites Herbicide Treatments will not have a significant adverse environmental impact. The action involves a proposal by NYS OPRHP which aims to control patches of invasive Phragmites australis that have colonized around Rockland Lake. Greater than 2.5 acres of Phragmites australis would be controlled using a wetland approved herbicide – glyphosate (53.8%) at a spray concentration of 4-6% using low volume/ low pressure backpack sprayers in targeted areas of Rockland Lake State Park between September 1st and the first killing frost. The occurrences of phragmites are representative of small patches found during the initial infestation of this plant into a native species dominated ecosystem. NYS OPRHP intends to treat these patches before they become large monocultures that will outcompete the native vegetation species found adjacent to these locations. At least one month after treatment occurs, dead standing biomass will either be cut using handheld sickle-bar cutters or left in place to fall and decompose on its own. This will allow the herbicide to translocate to the rhizomes of the plant. Herbicides will be applied by a New York State (NYS) licensed applicator in accordance with the herbicide’s labeled instructions and following agency Best Management Practices for the application of herbicides. The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYS DEC) reporting tool for glyphosate application will also be utilized when appropriate. The project is located 299 Rockland Lake Road in Valley Cottage, Town of Clarkstown, New York.
Negative Declaration
February 7, 2024 – The Town of Ramapo Planning Board, as lead agency, has determined that the proposed Bluefield Extension Amended Subdivision and Site Development Permit will not have a significant adverse environmental impact. The action involves an application from Yakov Grunwald (applicant) and Sunshine Gardens Realty LLC/ Yakov Grunwald (owner), represented by Civil Tec Engineering and Surveying P.C. and Terry Rice Esq. for a proposed amended Site Development Permit and Subdivision Plat at 11, 13, 17, and 19 Lazer Court, Spring Valley, Town of Ramapo, New York. The development area consists of 1.05 ± acres, located on the east side of Union Road, approximately 365 foot south of Eckerson Road, within the R-15 Zoning District. The applicant is proposing a 4-lot subdivision, two lots will have two-family residences with two accessory apartments. The other two lots will have three-family residences with three accessory apartments. A site plan was previously developed and approved at the project site for 10 principal dwellings and 5 accessory apartments under application No. 2019.004. The applicant is seeking to construct an additional 5 accessory apartment units and 2 parking spaces. The footprint of the building will remain the same as previously approved. Public sewer and water will be utilized and stormwater has been designed for zero net runoff. The applicant will be requesting area variances from the Zoning Board of Appeals.
Primary Contact: Hannah Ross, Town of Ramapo, 237 Route 59, Suffern, NY 10901, Phone: (845) 357-5100,
Negative Declaration
February 7, 2024 – The Town of Ramapo Planning Board, as lead agency, has determined that the proposed Route 202 Business Park Site Development Permit will not have a significant adverse environmental impact. The action involves an application from Hendel Grossman and Route 202 Professional Plaza LLC (applicant/owner) for Site Development Permit approval at 103 Ladentown Road, Pomona, and 110 Camp Hill Road, Pomona, Town of Ramapo, New York. The development area consists of 13 ± acres located on the north side of Ladentown Road, approximately 450 foot east of Camp Hill Road, within the CC Zoning District. The applicant is proposing to construct two, one-story structures that overlap in the middle. The lot is currently vacant. The middle section will be two stories and will include centralized mechanical and site services. The application previously received a negative declaration in 2021, but due to a zone change amendment, the project was no longer an allowable use within the new CC District (formerly PI), and the project did not receive final approval. The applicant is seeking an amended negative declaration for the current proposal, which is an allowable use within the CC Zone. The current proposal is a less intense use than the previous iteration of the project, which received a negative declaration from the Ramapo Planning Board. Stormwater has been designed for zero net runoff. The applicant will be requesting variances from the Town of Ramapo Zoning Board of Appeals.
Negative Declaration
January 24, 2024 – The Town of Ramapo Planning Board, as lead agency, has determined that the proposed Hempstead Road Subdivision will not have a significant adverse environmental impact. The action involves an application from 62 Hempstead LLC (applicant/owner) for (Major/ Realty) Subdivision Approval at 62-64 Hempstead Road in Spring Valley, Town of Ramapo, New York. The project area consists of 0.99 ± acres of land on the east side of New Hempstead Road, approximately 313 feet north of Williams Avenue within R-15. The proposal is to subdivide the parcel into four lots with single-family residential dwellings on each lot. Public sewer and water will be utilized. Stormwater has been designed for zero net runoff. Area variances are being requested from the Ramapo Zoning Board of Appeals.
Notice of Acceptance of Draft EIS and Public Hearing
January 17. 2024 – The Village of Haverstraw Village Board, as lead agency, has accepted a Draft Environmental Impact Statement on the proposed Haverstraw Chair Factory Site . A public hearing on the Draft EIS will be held on January 29, 2024 at 7:05 p.m. at the 40 New Main Street Haverstraw, NY 10927. Written comments on the Draft EIS will be accepted until February 12, 2024. The Draft EIS is available at the following address 40 New Main Street Haverstraw, New York. 10927, from the contact below and online at:
The action involves the adoption of zoning amendments to establish a new form based code overlay district for the Chair Factory Redevelopment Site. The zoning will facilitate the development of 450 residential units (at 441,500 square foot), 15,000 square foot of community serving facilities and commercial/retail, an 82,800 square foot hotel, as well as 563 parking spaces in a mix of structured space (192,700 square foot) and surface parking spaces. Additionally, the project proposes to include shoreline stabilization, 4.2 acres of public open space, and the development of a waterfront multi-use trail. The project is located on Liberty Street, Broad Street and Allison Avenue in the Village of Haverstraw, New York.
Negative Declaration
Rockland County – January 2, 2024 – The Town of Ramapo Planning Board, as lead agency, has determined that the proposed Dykstra’s Estates Subdivision will not have a significant adverse environmental impact. The action involves the receipt of an an application from FFBB Nyack LLC (applicant/ owner), represented by Civil Tec Engineering and Surveying P.C and Terry Rice, Esq. for Major/ Realty Subdivision Approval. The development area is comprised of three parcels consisting of 2.46 ± acres of land located on the south side of Old Nyack Turnpike, 850 foot east of Saddle River Road, and is located within the R15A Zoning District. The proposal is for a seven-lot subdivision with a two-family residence with one accessory apartment on six lots and a single-family residence on lot 7. Dykstras Way is only for emergency access, with a gate provided to prevent through traffic. The access from Old Nyack Turnpike will permit right turn in/right turn out only. Public sewers and water will be utilized. A sewer main extension and a water main extension are proposed. Stormwater has been designed for zero net increase in runoff and will connect to the existing drainage system on Old Nyack Turnpike. Area variances are required and will be requested from the Zoning Board of Appeals. The project is located at 41, 43, and 45 Old Nyack Turnpike in Monsey, Town of Ramapo, New York.
Negative Declaration
Rockland County – December 27, 2023 – The Town of Haverstraw Town Board, as lead agency, has determined that the proposed Local Law No. 13 of 2023 will not have a significant adverse environmental impact. The action involves the The proposed action consists of the consideration and adoption of a Local Law No. 13 of 2023 amending Chapter 167 of the Town Code to regulate cannabis uses in the C Commercial District and the PIO Planned Industrial Office District within the unincorporated Town of Haverstraw.. The project is located C Commercial District and the PIO Planned Industrial Office District Haverstraw, New York.
Notice of Acceptance of Final EIS
Rockland County – (December 13, 2023) The Village of Suffern Planning Board, as lead agency, has accepted a Final Environmental Impact Statement on the proposed Industrial Park for Warehousing and Logistics Center. The Final EIS is available from the Village of Suffern Village Hall, 61 Washington Avenue, Suffern, NY 10901 and on line at:
The action involves a proposed redevelopment project to include the demolition of the existing 533,000 square foot Novartis pharmaceutical complex and construction of three (3) Class “A” industrial warehouse/wholesale distribution facilities. The facilities will include 1,221,800 square foot of new warehouse construction with associated loading bays, trailer storage spaces and other site improvements including but not limited to lighting, landscaping, utilities and stormwater management facilities. The project site is located within the PLI-Planned Light Industrial Zoning District, wherein warehousing uses are permitted as of right under the Village of Suffern Zoning Code.
The new industrial park will include three (3) warehouse, with Building 1 consisting of 963,100 square foot, Building 2 consisting of 170,500 square foot and Building 3 consisting of 88,200 square (Project). Access into and out of the site are provided by two driveways to Hemion Road, a southerly access drive (proposed for cars only), and the northerly Old Mill Road access drive which would be used by cars and trucks. The two access points traverse the portion of the property located in the Village of Montebello. The project is located at 25 Old Mill Road in the Village of Suffern, Town of Ramapo, New York.
Primary Contact: Joanne Cioffi, Village of Suffern, 61 Washington Avenue, Suffern, NY 10901 | (845) 357-2600
Final Scoping Document
Village of Haverstraw – November 29, 2023 – The Village of Haverstraw Village Board, as lead agency, has made the Final Scope for the proposed Haverstraw Chair Factory available. The Final Scope is available from the contact listed below and on line at: The action involves adoption of zoning amendments to establish the a new form based code overlay district for the Chair Factory Redevelopment Site. The zoning will facilitate the development of 450 residential units (at 441,500 square foot), 15,000 square foot of community serving facilities and commercial/retail, an 82,800 square foot hotel, as well as 563 parking spaces in a mix of structured space (192,700 square foot) and surface parking spaces. Additionally, the project proposes to include shoreline stabilization, 4.2 acres of public open space, and the development of a waterfront multi-use trail. The project is located on Liberty Street, Broad Street, and Allison Avenue, in the Town of Haverstraw, New York. Primary Contact: Michael Kohut, Village of Haverstraw Village Board, 40 New Main Street, Haverstraw, NY 10927. Phone: (845) 429-3000,
Positive Declaration and Availability of Draft Scope
Rockland County – November 22, 2023 – The Town of Ramapo Town Board, as lead agency, has determined that the proposed Harriman Meadows may have a significant adverse impact on the environment and a Draft Environmental Impact Statement must be prepared. The Draft Scope is available from the contact listed below and on line at:
The action involves a Rezoning and Comprehensive Plan amendment for a proposed planned residential development titled Harriman Meadows, composed of 479 residential units of mixed types. The project is located on US Route 202 (Haverstraw Road) and NYS Route 306 in Pomona, Town of Ramapo, New York.
Contact: Michael Specht, Town of Ramapo, 237 Route 59, Suffern, NY 10901, Phone: (845) 357-5100, E-mail:
Negative Declaration
Rockland County – November 15, 2023 – The Town of Ramapo Planning Board, as lead agency, has determined that the proposed Hickory Estates Subdivision (Major/ Realty) will not have a significant adverse environmental impact. The action involves an application from 48 Hickory Estates LLC (applicant) and Jacob Jeremias (owner) for Site Development Permit and Major Subdivision approvals at 46-48 West Hickory Street, Spring Valley. The project area consists of 1.01 ± acres on the south side of West Hickory Street, approximately 49 foot east of Brook Street within the R-15 Zoning District. The applicant is proposing a five-lot subdivision with detached single-family homes on each lot. Public sewer and water will be utilized. The existing residences will be removed. Area variances will be requested from the Zoning Board of Appeals. The project is located at 46 and 48 West Hickory Street in Spring Valley, Town of Ramapo, New York.
Contact: Hannah Ross, Town of Ramapo, 237 Route 59, Suffern, NY 10901, Phone: (845) 357-5100, E-mail:
Negative Declaration
Rockland County – The Town of Orangetown Town Board, as lead agency, has determined that the proposed Orangetown Comprehensive Plan Update will not have a significant adverse environmental impact. The action involves an update of the Town of Orangetown Comprehensive Plan for the first time since 2003 to establish a guiding framework for future sustainable development, economic growth, and natural resource preservation in the Town (Proposed Action). A Comprehensive Plan is a long-term planning document that establishes a community’s goals and aspirations for the future, while providing a roadmap for how to achieve them. Upon adoption by the Town Board of the Town of Orangetown, the 2023 Comprehensive Plan will replace its predecessor, the Town of Orangetown 2003 Comprehensive Plan. The recommendations of the 2023 Comprehensive Plan are based on community feedback and are intended to balance a healthy economy with quality residential and commercial character, while planning for climate resiliency, protecting the integrity of natural resources, and strengthening local infrastructure. The project is located throughout the Town of Orangetown, New York.
Contact: Allison Kardon, Town of Orangetown, 26 West Orangeburg Road, Orangeburg, NY 10962, Phone: (845) 359-5100, E-mail:
Negative Declaration
October 11, 2023 – Rockland County – The Town of Stony Point Planning Board, as lead agency, has determined that the proposed Oak Ridge/Jessup Valley North Subdivision will not have a significant adverse environmental impact. The action involves an amendment to a Negative Declaration pertaining to an standard subdivision of a 14.06 acre property located at the northerly terminus of Jessups Lane creating 8 new building lots, to reflect re-subdivision to a cluster subdivision creating 4 new building lots and including one lot with an existing residence, and preserving 10.69 acres through conservation easement. The project is located on the northern terminus of Jessups Lane in the Town of Stony Point, New York.
Contact: Mary Pagano, Town of Stony Point, 74 East Main Street, Stony Point, NY 10980, Phone: (845) 786-2716, E-mail:
Notice of Acceptance of Final EIS
Orange County – The Town of Cornwall Planning Board, as lead agency, has accepted a Final Environmental Impact Statement on the proposed Star Warehouse Expansion. The Final EIS is available from the contact listed below and on line at:
The action involves a proposal by the applicant for a 50,000 square foot addition to an existing 185,835 square foot warehouse building and other site improvements including four new loading docks, modifications to parking, drainage, signage and emergency access. The Project Site consists of 36.9 acres with access to NYS Route 32 via a private shared drive and emergency access to Star Road/ Creamery Hill Road. The entrance road to Route 32 will be reconstructed as part of the project. The site is served by private well and septic. The project is located at 20 Industry Drive in the Town of Cornwall, New York.
Contact: Neil Novesky, Town of Cornwall, 183 Main Street, Cornwall, NY 12518, Phone: (845) 534-9429, E-mail:
Negative Declaration
September 13, 2023 – Rockland County – The Town of Ramapo Town Board, as lead agency, has determined that the proposed Millers Pond Planned Unit Development (PUD) will not have a significant adverse environmental impact. The action involves an application from Mount Ivy, LLC (applicant) and Mount Ivy, LLC & Lindifrim (Pomona), LP (owner) for a proposed PUD. The parcel consists of 143.7 ± acres of land located on the north side of Pomona Road, approximately 0 feet west of Camp Hill Road and Station Road intersections with Pomona Road, within the RR-80 Zoning District. The applicant is proposing a mixed-use development under the Town’s Planned Unit Development District zoning regulations pursuant to Section 376-24 of the Town of Ramapo Zoning Code. The project site is composed of three tax parcels that are currently zoned RR-80. The project site is the location of the former Minisceongo Golf Course. The development proposes to include 637 residential units and approximately 67,000 square foot of mixed-use commercial space. The commercial space is planned to include such uses as retail, shopping center, commercial retail, business, hotel, religious and institutional uses, community recreation, restaurant, parking garages, fitness, and recreation space. The project is located at 110-118 Pomona Road, in the Town of Ramapo, New York.
Contact: Hannah Ross, Town of Ramapo, 237 Route 59, Suffern, NY 10901, Phone, (845) 357-5100, E-mail:
Positive Declaration, Availability of Draft Scope and Public Scoping Session
August 30, 2023 – Rockland County – The Village of Haverstraw Village Board, as lead agency, has determined that the proposed Haverstraw Chair Factory may have a significant adverse impact on the environment and a Draft Environmental Impact Statement must be prepared. The Draft Scope is available from Village of Haverstraw’s Village Clerk’s office and on line at: A public scoping session on the Draft Scope will be held on September 18, 2023 at 7:05 p.m. in the Village of Haverstraw Village Hall, New Main Street, Haverstraw, NY 10927. Public comments related to scoping will be accepted until September 22, 2023.
The action involves the adoption of zoning amendments to establish the a new form based code overlay district for the Chair Factory Redevelopment Site. The zoning will facilitate the development of 450 residential units (441,500 square foot), 15,000 square foot of community serving facilities and commercial/retail, an 82,800 square foot hotel, as well as 563 parking spaces in a mix of structured space (192,700 square foot) and surface parking spaces. Additionally, the project proposes to include shoreline stabilization, 4.2 acres of public open space, and the development of a waterfront multi-use trail. The project is located in the Village of Haverstraw, New York.
Contact: Michael Kohut, Village of Haverstraw, 40 New Main Street, Haverstraw, NY 10927, Phone: (845) 429-3000.